Announcing Our Hurricane White Paper

Announcing our Hurricane White Paper:

Just in time for Hurricane Preparedness Week, Earthvisionz is excited to announce our annual hurricane forecast! In this report, we look back on the 2022 hurricane season, predict what’s ahead for 2023, as well as look into how our products support hurricane preparation and response.

What the Research Says:

Every year, researchers at several institutions including Colorado State University release predictions based on factors including El Niño/La Niña events, water temperature, winds, and other climate conditions. The past 3 hurricane seasons have been dominated by La Niña events however, this year experts are favoring an El Niño event which has unique impacts on hurricane trends. Our forecast covers this phenomenon in more detail as well as the projected number of hurricanes for the 2023 season. 

Preparation is Always Essential:

Preparation, regardless of the forecast, is essential for everyone. Anytime a hurricane makes landfall, there will inevitably be damage to homes and communities. One of the best ways to prepare is by ensuring access to accurate weather alerts and damage assessment tools, such as Earthvisionz’s V-Alert software package. A subscription to V-Alert provides you with access to satellite imagery, storm tracking, and detailed alerts customized to your assets.

Read our Forecast: 

Our white paper is free to download and will provide you with valuable information on current hurricane trends, as well as insights on how to prepare each season.


First Named Storm of 2023